“Eternal Security” – “once saved, always saved” – this is a doctrine that is very much under attack by those who pervert “the gospel of Christ” and mishandle God’s word. However, no believer, if he was properly taught Romans chapter 5, would ever think that he could ever loose his salvation and/or justification. Here the apostle Paul puts the final component to our justified position “in Christ” – that we are permanently ‘at one’ with God and nothing you could ever do could result in you becoming un-justified. This chapter stands as a mighty bulwark in God’s word to attest to the fact that justification by grace through faith alone in Christ alone not only makes your justification eternally secure, but it sets God’s grace forth as the most powerful thing known to both God Himself and man! Understanding grace as a POWER unlike any other is the climax of the chapter, and the critical godly motivation to go on and get that power of grace abounding in your sanctified, functional life.